No Validation Needed
As creative human beings, entrepreneurs and business people, sometimes we get to a place
where we plateau. There are no new contracts, money is kind of stagnant and we become still.
Instantaneously, what tends to cross our mind is, “Did I make the right decision? Am I doing the
right thing? I made a huge mistake! This was not meant to be!”…
Trust me, I have been there before and it sucks! But one thing that we cannot do is begin to
seek approval from others. It’s great to read, educate and have mentors. I highly recommend it.
But when you get to a place that you cannot move forward because you need the validation
and approval of someone else is a HUGE mistake! This type of thinking will get you stuck! I
mean that! You became a business owner, entrepreneur and someone who can create multiple
streams of income for a reason! It’s all in YOU. You have the tenacity, creative mind and ability
to do anything you put your mind to. Forget about the opinions of others and always thrive on
why you started your journey in the first place. Hurtles are there to push us towards a new
venture and opportunity!
Take the time to self-evaluate and conduct a SWOT analysis on yourself. Look at your strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Then, look back on your business plans, sales funnels
and motivate your damn self!
You’ve got this! Keep going! Press forward! Pick up where you left off and smile! The blueprint
to success is YOU!
There is NO validation needed…