Mmm…Smells Like Spring
Have you ever been so excited for spring? Life is so good… daylight savings has begun.
Family is great, business is booming. You are getting so much exposure. So many sales are happening.
People are approaching you to be mentored and want to know how you have become so
successful. Your family is great. Life is just good. Ugh… such a great feeling.
Well, this is how I started off my spring until one morning, I woke up with this yucky, nasty boils
all over my body! Literally, I wanted to scream. I wanted to lock myself in the room. How could
this be? I asked. What did I do? Am I dying? What is going on? I cannot meet with anyone like
this. What can I wear? I cannot wear a dress. If anyone sees my legs, my neck, my arms… Yikes!
I cannot do any live interviews. What if this gets on my face? It was so painful. Everything
stopped. No networks. No client contacts. Everything just stopped. I was so angry. This will be
the end of my career, I thought! These boils were all over my body. Literally! With the
exception of my face, it was all over. I felt every emotion you can think of. I was so selfish and
did not care about anyone but me. My emotions went from super happy to I want to just go
into a cave. It was horrible.
After multiple doctors’ visits, specialists, biopsies, medications, treatments; you name it, I was
diagnosed with Psoriatic Erythroderma. It’s a very rare, but dangerous form of psoriasis. Boy did
I cry. What caused this and when would it go away were my only thoughts. It shut me down
completely. I was so sad, depressed and scared. The motivation was gone. The momentum to
do anything was out the window! It surely affected me. Have you ever experienced any life
change or occurrence that completed immobilizes you? Boy was this a tuff time and I truly let
my emotions get the best of me, which could have essentially cost me my business and
career. Thankfully, I am getting better. Not fully recovered yet, but making progress. There is no
cure to this disease, but it can be controlled and may flare up again.
Thankfully I came to my senses, and realized, it is not the end of the world. I should not have
allowed this to affect me as it did. But… I am human and humans sometimes become
vulnerable when life happens. It’s how we react to things. Glad to say, I have gotten back to
that excitement and momentum of springing forward and continuing to meet my deadlines.
Sometimes when life throws you a left hook or you have a setback; you may lose your job, a
family member becomes ill, you face legal matters, environments change, divorce, etc.… Always
remember that there is someone that may be going through worse. It’s okay to get sad or
process things, but never give up and continue to spring forward…The blueprint to success is